
Pregnancy Centers in Medina County

Birthcare of Medina – 330-722-1190
Gabriel Project at St. Ambrose – 330-460-7345
Oaks Family Care Center – 330-220-7866
Oasis of Hope – 330-723-3600
Zelie’s Home 216.282.8053

Pregnancy Help

Option Line – 1-800-395-HELP
Knowledge is Empowering

Help After Abortion

There are many programs available that provide help for those who have had an abortion. Below are just a few of
these and many Pregnancy Centers have similar programs and counseling.
Bethesda House of Mercy
Hope after Abortion
Project RachelAlternate Link – 216-902-1304
Rachel’s Vineyard
Silent no More
Surrendering the SecretFacebook Page

Web Resources

Ohio Right to Life
National Right to Life
Americans United for Life
Too Many Aborted

Books / Video

Pro-life answers to Pro-choice questions – Randy Alcorn