The term “abortion” actually refers to any premature expulsion of a human fetus, whether naturally spontaneous, as in a miscarriage, or artificially induced, as in a surgical or chemical abortion. Today, the most common usage of the term “abortion” applies to artificially induced abortion.In 1973, the Supreme Court handed down its Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions legalizing abortion in all 50 states during all nine months of pregnancy, for any reason, medical, social, or otherwise…
We at MCRTL believe that all children are a gift. From the moment of fertilization, there is a unique person in the womb with their own DNA. Abortion may seem to be a quick and easy way to “fix the problem”, but there is no such thing as an unwanted child. Many women regret having an abortion. Additionally, there can be complications and detrimental side effects after an abortion. Just a few examples of these include depression, substance abuse, suicidal tendencies relationship issues and risky behavior. Men also suffer as they missed out on being a father.
Why not Abortion?
We at MCRTL believe that all children are a gift. From the moment of fertilization, there is a unique person in the womb with their own DNA. Abortion may seem to be a quick and easy way to “fix the problem”, but there is no such thing as an unwanted child. Many women regret having an abortion. Additionally, there can be complications and detrimental side effects after an abortion. Just a few examples of these include depression, substance abuse, suicidal tendencies relationship issues and risky behavior. Men also suffer as they missed out on being a father. Others such as parents and friends may feel sorry about their involvement.
Is adoption an option? Making an adoption plan for your child does not mean that you are a bad person. It is in fact one of the most loving things a person can do. Adoption is a wonderful choice that allows a child to be raised by a family that can take care of his or her needs. Within the last 30 years, adoption agreements have become more “Open” allowing you to see your child grow up. There are varying degrees of this openness from contact once a year to seeing the child more frequently. The Pregnancy Centers can help you work through this if this is something you are considering.
Pregnancy Centers are there to help during this time. They can help with prenatal care; material needs and emotional support. Many pregnancy centers offer free ultrasounds so that a mother can see her baby. Go to our Pregnancy Help & Resources page to find locations and organization that can help.
Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is the modern day practice of slavery. Victims of human trafficking are often forced or coerced into labor or sexual exploitation for the financial gain of another person. It comprises the fastest growing criminal industry in the world and it is the third most profitable criminal industry, behind drug and weapon trafficking. Sex trafficking victims, on average, are first exploited by their trafficker at the age of 13. 2,879 domestic Ohio youth are at-risk for sex trafficking because of their vulnerable status as runaways or homelessness. Another 1,078 youth have already been trafficked into the sex trade…
Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide refer to deliberate action taken with the intention of ending a life, in order to relieve a person from persistent suffering, or from the loss of motivation to live. Families sometimes encourage their loved ones to make this choice for misguided reasons. Although it is legal in some states, morally, it is taking a human life which is always wrong. We have failed if our response to those who are suffering is to kill them or help them kill themselves. We are called to protect all life including the disabled and elderly who may be targeted unfairly. For more information go to www.priestsforlife.org/euthanasia/index.htm
Life-friendly Pregnancy Planning
Did you know that a woman’s health is greatly compromised when she uses artificial forms of contraceptives? Many hormonal contraceptives are listed as Class 1 Carcinogens by the World Health Organization (Breast, Cervical, and Liver Cancer) and condoms, “morning after” pills and IUDs put women at risk for countless dangerous and even life-threatening side effects. Further, taking hormonal contraceptives contribute to excess estrogen being excreted into local water systems, alarming environmentalists about the harm being done to aquatic wildlife in our lakes and rivers, as well as potential of harming humans since it can’t be removed from our drinking water. Options that EMPOWER rather than HARM women are abstinence and Natural Family Planning (NFP). NFP is scientifically developed, healthy for both women and the environment, and has no side effects.
Benefits of Chastity Education
In our culture, popular belief is that expecting someone to wait until marriage to engage in sexual activities is
unrealistic. Many parents will teach their children about contraception because they assume they cannot wait. This
attitude is doing a disservice to our children. They need to be taught the truth; that sex is beautiful and designed
by God to be between one man and one woman in the confines of marriage. They need to be taught that waiting
until marriage makes sense because it not only is 100% effective in preventing pregnancies and STDs, but also
promotes healthy relationships. For more information go to https://respect4u.com/
Ohio Right to Life Position Statement
Click here to download Ohio Right to Life position statement.